
Step 1/6: Let's get started
Step 1/6: Let's get started

Winter 2024 registrations are NOW OPEN!

Key Dates & Fixtures:


  • TO REGISTER, please determine which of the 2 options applies to you and follow those instructions: 
    • REGISTER if you are new or your profile can't be found.
    • RENEW if you have played at any club previously within WPA(ustralia), including MQUWP as your last club. Once submitted you will receive an email from the club with a link to register using one of the two below Categories.
    • TRANSFERS - Coming or going?
      • Players who are wishing to transfer from their ‘current/origin’ club to a ‘new’ club, will need to RENEW their membership with their ‘current/origin’ club first.
      • The ‘new’ club can then initiate the club transfer for the player through the revSport portal (left side menu in revSport).  Note – you will need to know the players National id number.

      • The ‘current/origin’ club has 5 days to accept transfer (or reject if the member is not financial).

      • To view the WPNSW transfer policy click on the link -



  • Category 1 - Capitation Fee Only
    • This is for all new players joining MQUWP or past players 18 years of age or older.

    • This is required in order to play within the WPNSW competition and covers both Summer & Winter Seasons (so you don’t need to pay again in Winter season).

    • If you select this Category, you will still need to pay the Club Fee component of $425 before Round 3.

    • Category 1J - Capitation Fee Only - Under 18
      • This is just for those that are Under 18 years of age.
  • Category 3 - ALL Teams - WINTER
    • This is for all new players joining MQUWP or past players 18 years of age or older.

    • This does not include a club polo shirt or drink bottle.

      • All players are required to wear club polo shirts to games.

      • These can be purchased for $50 including both the shirt and bottle.

    • Category 3J -ALL Teams - WINTER - Under 18
      • This is just for those that are Under 18 years of age.
  • Category 3D - ALL Teams - WINTER - Development
    • This is for all players just wishing to train and not play games

    • This does not include a club polo shirt or drink bottle.

    • Category 2DJ -ALL Teams - WINTER - Development - Under 18
      • This is just for those that are Under 18 years of age.



  • Mandatory Fees
    • WPA(ustralia) Mandatory Fee - $74.22 and is valid for full year (Summer & Winter Seasons)
    • WPNSW Mandatory Fee - $85.60 and is valid for full year (Summer & Winter Seasons) - This is slightly less for Under 18 players.
      • WPNSW Winter ONLY Fee - $42.80 for Seniors, $36.65 for Juniors.

  • Club Fees - Covers team entry, sporting equipment for training & games, entry and pool bookings at MQU Aquatic Centre for training & games (does not include games at other pools), coaching and courses for our volunteer coaches & referees, trophies and medals for end of season awards events.
    • Summer - $425 ($375 if Under 18)
    • Winter - $175 ($170 if Under 18)
  • Club Polo Shirts & Drink Bottle = $50 for both


It is mandatory to pay prior to taking the water; the Club, WPNSW and WPA have a strict pay before you play policy.


Payment can only be made by credit or debit card and a processing fee of approximately 2% will be added to the cost of registration.

By registering with our Club you are agreeing to our Terms and Conditions and Codes of Conduct (

If you are having any issues please contact our Registrar OR Treasurer at training or via email at

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